Recognizing the Warning Signs: When to Know You’ve Had Too Much

How to Know When It’s Time to Ask Someone for a Ride

Being responsible can be hard, especially when you’re having a fun night out and want to keep the party going. But it is important to know when it’s time to ask someone for a ride home. Drunk Driving Lawyer Grand Rapids will tell you more about it.

You’ve been drinking for a few hours and you feel lightheaded or buzzed. This is an indication that your body has had enough alcohol, and it’s time to stop drinking before your judgment becomes impaired and driving unsafely becomes a risk.

Drunk Driving Lawyer Grand Rapids

Your friends are concerned about how much you have already had to drink. If your friends are keeping an eye out for you and notice you’re having too much, they may suggest that it’s time to stop drinking and call a ride home before it’s too late.

You feel disoriented or have difficulty standing or walking straight. If your physical abilities are impaired in any way due to over-intoxication, it’s time to call a ride and stay out of the driver’s seat.

You cannot remember when you last had an alcoholic drink. Blackouts can be an indicator that you have consumed too much alcohol for your body to safely handle, and this means it’s time to hand over the keys and find somebody who can provide a safe ride home.

It’s important to be able to recognize these signs and take action before it’s too late, so you can have a great night out without putting yourself or anyone else in danger. So don’t forget to always think responsibly when drinking alcohol – ask someone for a ride if needed and stay safe. Consult Drunk Driving Lawyer Grand Rapids in case that you get caught drunk driving.